Deposit 02: 43, Lewisham Way, London: 9th November 2021: 14:07 hrs


“What if we view predictions not as providing answers about the future, but questions about how we could improve our present condition- as ways to illuminate our assumptions, and to uncover a range of possible responses to real challenges.”

 (p10- Certainty and (un)prediction)


“not to rely on the out-​ come of a pred​ict​ion as a way to det​erm​ine act​ion, but to use it as a way of obt​aini​ng inf​orm​at​ion about the world, or to gain ins​ight into what Donna Hara​way calls "situ​a​ted knowle​dge" (Hara​way, 1998).” (p11- Certainty and (un)prediction)


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